Virksomhedsbesøg hos Rambøll

Vi har hermed fornøjelsen at kunne invitere til sæsonens sidste møde d. 2. maj, som denne gang bliver hos Rambøll i Ørestad, hvor vi skal på virksomhedsbesøg.

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Virksomhedsbesøget vil især kaste lys over Rambølls arbejde med GIS, herunder hvordan en arbejdsplads som Rambøll benytter sig af geografisk viden og metoder og digitale værktøjer.




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Welcome - Frederik Marthedal Christiansen


About Rambøll and working as a geographer in Rambøll


Using SAM (AI) to automatically detect structural changes in Denmark
In this presentation we will explore how AI and Meta’s Segment Anything Model (SAM) are used to assess structural changes throughout Denmark. Via the SAM, building footprints are extracted and assessed against the same footprints from years prior, revealing the changes in the data. The results are then integrated into a web mapping application for the end user.


Hydrological modeling in the pursuit of groundwater

Hydrological modeling is an important tool in groundwater management, as flow through the subsurface cannot be directly observed. The hydrological model creates the framework for linking data and knowledge about geological, geochemical, and hydrological conditions. The use of models thus provides insight into how potential groundwater extractions will affect the surrounding nature.


Optimizing Offshore Wind Farm Inter-Array Cable Layouts using ArcGIS
Offshore wind farms face significant challenges in designing optimal cable layouts. The current process is often manual, time-consuming, and may not yield the most cost-effective or efficient design. This project aims to develop an advanced optimization solution for designing inter-array cable layouts in offshore wind farms. The solution aims to minimize costs while adhering to technical and environmental constraints, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of wind farm operations.


Integrated Application of BIM and GIS in Stormwater Flood Risk Assessment
This presentation underscores the advantages of integrating a comprehensive 3D model into flood assessments in GIS. It highlights the enhanced accuracy and depth of analysis achievable through detailed spatial representation compared to 2D analysis.


Sandwich & networking

Alle er velkomne – ikke kun studerende.



Tilmelding til arrangementet er påkrævet og gratis, og der er frist d.26. april. Tilmeld dig her:

Studerende fra IGN har mulighed for at køre med Selskabets sekretariat fra Øster Voldgade 10. Dette skal markeres ved tilmelding.

Dato: Torsdag d. 2. maj 2024
Tid: kl. 17.00-19:30           
Sted: Rambøll, Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300, København S